Kit Derrick – Author and Bawdy Rapscallion

Do bad choices make people bad? When events spin out of your control, can you be blamed for making bad decisions?  Are any choices actually your own?Owen is a grizzled old biker, Ziggy is a young skater, Goth Sindy will come back again, years later, when she’s plain old April. Izzy and Degs just want to be loved, not that you’d know it from meeting them. A tragedy will make them all re-evaluate their lives and values. Except for the one who doesn’t survive Hush tells the stories of five individuals whose lives intertwine, and they search for the answers that they think will make them whole again. At least one tragedy is on the horizon, one which might make them re-evaluate everything that they think they know. It could happen to any of them

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Jay is on the brink of achieving pop stardom and his devoted girlfriend Suzanne is worried it will change him for the worse and break them apart. But Trent, the band’s photographer, has more pressing concerns. Two years ago, Natalie died in a tragic accident, and Trent wasn’t there for her. Now, he is tormented by dreams of her death and voices in his head that suggest another ‘accident’ is just around the corner. Is it Trent’s traumatic loss or self-medication that is causing him to hear these voices, or will Jay’s fame ultimately be the undoing of him and Suzanne? Find out in this thrilling novel of love, loss, and the power of fame.

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There was a time when emojis didn’t exist, hard to believe I know. Even the previous incarnation, emoticons, didn’t always follow standard rules, and half the time you would have to guess what the various punctuation marks were meant to represent. That was in equal parts thrilling and frustrating.

Tiffany is married to a good and faithful man, but daydreams about the carefree days of her single life, the thrill of her first love, and the passion that seems to have faded. A chance encounter with old flame Martin, and the possibilities her new mobile phone offers now mean that she can enjoy feeling young and desired again, and it isn’t really cheating if you’re just texting; not really. It was all just harmless fun, wasn’t it?

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‘Have you ever had that nagging feeling at the back of your mind that there is something you’ve forgotten? I suppose that’s not too uncommon. Let me try again. Have you ever then woken up thirty years into your own past with a hazy memory that someone has just predicted your imminent death but you don’t know why or how? It does tend to sharpen the mind.’

Jack is sixty, scouse, irritable and an alcoholic. Those are his good points.

Forced to talk to an annoyingly over-friendly stranger in the pub, he receives a very surprising and unwelcome prediction. Jack doesn’t believe a word of it until he’s made to face his past, in a very literal way, whether he likes it or not…

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Not all superheroes wear masks, but many of them do. To protect their secret identities and allow them to go about their business saving the world, safe from evil and autograph hunters. The ‘Man in the Bath’, his face hidden by video technology, wanted to share his wisdom with everyone.

In a world of broadband, webcams and instant worldwide communication, anyone can become a power for good. Sometimes, things just don’t go according to plan. The ‘Man in the Bath’ was a huge success. A worrying success. A very dangerous success.


When Will Stark’s parents died together in a tragic accident, it felt like his whole World had fallen apart. And then the realisation came that the woman he’d thought he would marry was drifting away too. So Will began a journey around the country, visiting and sketching all the places that held special meanings in his past, to try and regain a sense of his own identity and honour the memory of his parents. That’s what he told himself anyway. It wasn’t avoidance, he’d found a worthwhile purpose. Sometimes things don’t turn out the way you expect. And sometimes 5 days can stay with you for a lifetime.

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No-one knows what to expect when a parent or loved one is diagnosed with dementia. Kit Derrick’s ‘Has The Lady Been Yet?’ follows his own journey down this path, from the initial diagnosis to the ultimate loss of his mother. The book traces the practicalities of caring, but also quite openly discusses the emotions, guilt and helplessness of finding yourself in that role. But as the book points out, there are moments of joy in the darkest of times, and there is always hope for the good days. And there will be good days, as well as bad.

The bulk of the narrative follows the events, challenges and experiences which made up the final years of his mum’s life, with the final one comprising third fiction and poetry which explore the emotional impact and legacy of losing a parent twice, once to dementia, and then through their death. 

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