So things still move on apace. First draft of new novel now complete (about 63k words), and the title has evolved into ‘tEXt me’, possibly with the subtitle ‘with a Nokia 3310’, but possibly not. I’ll decide soon and can start work with a designer on the cover, and ready to send to alpha readers after this pass I think (if I can find any, the fb group I used is on hiatus).
A few things which I really like in the novel have evolved organically, and the minor characters and subplots work better, plus there is some fantastic mirroring and shadowing which I hadn’t even realised I’d set up for. Reading a few comments online, I’m also pleased with my decision that my main character should be female and in her thirties, as there seems to still be a strong interest in that demographic.
I did some initial experiments yesterday and the real challenge facing me now will be formatting. As there are numerous text conversations in the book, the layout is going to be really tricky, as the conversion software means different results for .mobi and .epub, in addition to the layout for A4pdf and pb layout. These conversations are central to the plot, so if they aren’t readable and enticing, the whole thing falls apart a bit. I’ll let you know how that goes soon!
Stay safe