Normal Service will be Resumed soon

I hope you had a lovely holiday break. One of the things I spent my time doing, was working out as many mistakes as possible which I’ve been making with my writing career. More fun than it sounds.

The reason for this post is an apology if anything suddenly goes awry on the website. When I set it up, it was my first WordPress site and as you migth have guessed, tehre was a large element of making it up as I went along. I won’t bore you with all the technical details, but the basic ‘theme’ (the look) of the website controls speed, how if looks on desktops/ tablets/ mobiles and all taht jazz and I picked one I thought worked, but was actually quite faffy. So over the next couple of weeks I’m updating to hopefully be of more use to you as reader, and me as writer.

I will also inevitably cock bits up, but living is learning as they say. A change is as good as a rest. You know what thought did – followed the muckcart and thought it was a wedding etc. Proper blogs coming again soon, as I regale you with tales of all the other mistakes I made!

Stay safe,
