Extra to Yesterday’s post

You know what it’s like, you get something in your brain and it won’t go away. After I posted yesterday, I started thinking about common treads between the first two novels. Thankfully the plots are totally different but I realised there is a similar deconstruction of the talents of the members of The Beatles in both.   The odd thing is, they’re totally unrelated and were written nearly fifteen years apart for very different reasons. For Man in the Bath as mentioned previously, I had a genuine moment of absently wondering who the ‘fifth Beatle’ people talk about might be and that expanded into a section I used in the story. For The Raven Sound, historical Liverpool is the setting, and the successes of Scousers in the 60s and where they happened is part of the plot, so totally unrelated. Just thought I’d say so if you read both and wonder if I’ve run out of ideas already, the answer is definitely not, it’s a coincidence 😉

Stay safe
