Current Projects

So, a reminder (to me as well as you) of the current list of works in progress, though I do of course have half a dozen others at the pre-10,000 words stage, and a complete draft of one I wrote in the nineties. And I can’t decide which I should be focussing on, though I’m part way through all. Other writers may recognise some of my dilemmas here.

  1. Non Fiction – My ramblings, some already posted on here, about the state of the world and why I’m right about everything and everyone else is wrong. Plus side – Cathartic, enjoyable to write and as short essays a manageable workload. Down side – there will be some unpopular opinions there, and is there a market. Do I have a big enough profile for an audience to be interested in my thoughts. Is this better as a podcast?
  2. High style novella – A two-hander written in a very stylised way, exploring life, death, suicide, family, abuse. Plus side – Good to stretch writing muscles with stylistic restrictions, freedom of subjects, no need to plot (I have the basic outline but this is a mood and character piece), and a challenge. Down side – Is there an audience, no genre or strong plot and I’m no Barrico, should it be a full novel?
  3. Ghost detective novel/short stories – A comic twist on the Randall and Hopkirk approach, with a ghost and a living partner solving crimes. Plus side – Fun to write comedy, a great conceit and USP in mind, might find a genre market Down side – Need to construct crime scenarios which I’m inexperienced at, crowded crime market and no pedigree, lots of research needed.
  4. Arthurian novel – Fourth century ‘realistic’ novel on the legendary historically figures of Britain who were the precursors to Arthur. Plus side – Always wanted to write this, and have some great ideas. Lots of scope for action and integrating real history. Definitely a market. Could be a series of books. Down side – A LOT of research needed, and need a strong pitch. Could be a large and long project, so big commitment.
  5. New Quay novel – More in the style of some of my previous, the story of a woman after a break up, meeting a poet in Wales and exploring Welsh myth. Plus side – Enjoyable to write, fits into ‘established’ style, Down side – Too similar to what I’ve done before? Is there a market (there doesn’t seem to be, though this is more romance than previous)

There are other big projects I’ve talked about too, or of course I could return to a book of short stories, or poetry, but at the minute, I simply can’t decide which way to jump.

Stay safe,

Kit xx