A Break From Work

I’ve made the gratifying decision to take four months off work! There was been a lot of personal difficulty for the last few years, and my work is good enough to make this possible, so Sept to Dec I shall be footloose and fancy free. Except, of course, that I won’t.

It will be a great opportunity to re-evaluate my life, but I’m in the process of drawing up some objectives (lovely excel of course) for how I can productively use my time. Some objectives are to go places, bucket list type things, but of course a major part will be writing-related.

Part of the process of trying to be a writer is raising your profile, so I’ll be looking at how I might do that better through promo or competitions, and of course I’ll be working on new material and having a writing retreat or two, but I’m currently trying to identify what my main objectives should be. It’s surprisingly difficult to set SMART objectives for such short period, which needs to be restful and break too. It’s the achievable part I want to concentrate on the most, as the last thing I want to do is end the period thinking I’ve failed. I’m a writer, assuming I’m a failure is something I’m already good at!

Stay safe,
