Yes, I am still a grumpy sod. There, that’s out of the way. In slightly softer terms, yes I am still in a bit of a low-patch, in terms of writing, but it did give me an idea for a new project. So, there’s hope for me yet. The idea probably sounds gloomy to you (provisional title ‘Insignificance’), but it actually isn’t.
After watching the news for several days, which is never a good idea if you want cheering up, and particularly after watching a wildly speculative documentary on Shakespeare, which was presented as though it was fact, I started a few notes. Whether this will turn into a book or not I don’t know, and I do have a folder of unfinished and almost unstarted ideas like this, but the basic premise is that “Everything we know is wrong”. I don’t want to veer too much into the realms of my Man in the Bath novel, but my philosophy of the World and how it doesn’t live up to my expectations seems like an excellent subject to make others endure, and in gentler terms, I do actually know quite a lot of randomness about a wide variety of things so it might genuinely be of interest. And come to think of it (my stream of consciousness kicking off again here) it might form quite an interesting portfolio for blogposts here, or my YouTubes. And if it gets interest from there, turn it into a book. I’m talking myself into it here. I may try. Thank you for listening. Where shall we start?
[Kit Derrick last seen wandering aimlessly off whilst muttering to himself about gravity]
Stay safe,