March update1

So, exciting times at Planet Kit, and it’s been a really busy few weeks since launch. I’ll be posting a few pieces over the coming couple of weeks for all you budding writers (and just those interested) about what I’ve been going through. In short there have been beta readers and redrafts, setting up of Amazon accounts, registering of ISBNs, design of the cover for the new book (it’s really good, created by my good friends at Blush based on a photo wot I took), plus lots of writing and social media shenanigans about my crap claims to fame. Plus new writing and sorting of older stuff. It’s most exciting/ knackering.

If you haven’t already, please do consider signing up to my newsletter (bottom of each page), early recipients have already have an exclusive rediscovered poem and alternate book cover, so you’ll get extras if you do!

I’m happy to report the first two books, Man in the Bath and The Raven Sound are available for pre-order on Amazon now, so the full text of the first will not be available on the site after this weekend, but don’t worry, there are more free goodies lined up for the future to replace it.

I’ll be honest, it’s a big process setting everything up for the first time, and my next step, finding reviewers to say (hopefully positive) things about my books is next, and to do it right, as with most things in life, a lot of time and elbow grease is involved. Not that I have particularly greasy elbows, or that elbows were involved at all. Or grease come to think of it. Okay, bad metaphor, let’s just say it took a lot of effort, ok 😉 Researching where honest reviews come from, processes, formats and criteria takes time it turns out, who knew?

Next on the list is working out the practicalities of hard copies for those who aren’t keen on screen reading, but once that’s sorted I shall regale you with exciting tales of the writing process and book production. And add some pretty pictures and more recommendations too.

Stay safe,
