
Its been an age since I posted, I know. Busy busy with work, writing and reading but I just wanted to re-assure you all I’m still here. I currently have half a dozen projects on the go and my main issue is that I keep flitting between them, and each week I change my mind as to which will be my next! We’re torn between an arty and depressing exploration of loss and life, and a detective story of a ghost with his dick out. The tonal shift switching between the two is challenging.

In terms of sales and reads its been a very dry patch, and promoting doesn’t seem to help (the people I reach who are likely to buy and/or read probably have, so its difficult to know where to market next). I’m really disappointed that the sales of my last two, Hush and Lorelei, are very poor, and by all accounts they are my best and most marketable novels to date. But what do I know.

I’m also distracted by trying to move house at the minute, but that’s no excuse I know. More content (and Dylan Thomas) posts to follow soon, I promise!

Stay safe,

Kit xx