This isn’t an existential question, just a quick update on my present activities. Which, as we speak, is realising that many of my sentences are so passive they could be in a petting zoo. But, anyway…
I’m currently on a career break, so am evaluating what to do next with my life, and what my priorities should be. I’ll continue writing, of course, but now I have a few books under my belt, the time is right to promote this writing mullarky properly. I’ve therefore decided that the next few months will be spent trying to get my name and work a bit better known, so competitions, magazines, short stories and promo activities. After all, the fantastic feeling of having books available only remains fantastic if you can find a way of persuading people to read them. And hopefully leave reviews of course.
So later this month I shall be doing my first official author talk (at Formby Library – 28th Sept 2pm) and I’m looking for new opportunities. It is equally scary and exciting, but needs to be a central part of your toolbox i you want to be a writer; the ability to talk about and promote your work.
I’ve also almost finished my memoir “Has The Lady Been Yet,” and looking to see whether its feasible to revise and publish the children’s books I wrote (The “Princess Maybe” stories) and I’m working on at least one more novel. So not exactly feet up time.
The other great thing about time off is that I get to read far more, and I’m looking forward to spreading my wings into a few genres I don’t usually get into much, starting with biographies (currently on Eddie Izzard’s, dave Grohol and John Cooper Clarke to follow). Exciting times!
Stay safe,