Philosophy of Agency

There’s an ongoing debate in Twitterland and Writerland (they share a sea border) about the necessity or value of an agent. For me, the answer is a no-brainer, if they’re a good agent then hell, yes. From all I read and know, they seem to be an invaluable asset, in addition to their role as gatekeeper to major publishing houses. But I see so many of my fellow authors sending out queries and intro letters to be rejected, and I spent some time doing that a decade or so back, that I don’t do that any more. I’m going to rely on karma and luck (possibly the same thing).

I want an agent who wants me, and to be honest I also like having total control over every aspect of what I do, as difficult as that sometimes is. I’m sending material to magazines and other outlets, as I think I need to do that first, to gain enough profile and experience, and show what I put into my writing career, and somewhere in my admittedly tiny brain, they’ll seek me out if I persevere. It’s a bit like Field of Dreams. Without the field. Or baseball. Okay, so it’s nothing like Field of Dreams but I like the quote.

So I’ll represent myself for now, cross my fingers, and see what the Universe says.

Stay safe,
