It’s (A)live!

So here it is, the official launch of the website today. It’s been a long time coming I know, but I needed to line my ducks up, as the sayting goes, so everything was in the right order. As of today, for a few months, you can download my previous novel ‘Man in the bath’ for free, and you’ll find micro-stories and poetry, and lots of inside info on my influences and how I write.  From today, the Twitter account @kitderrick1 will be starting up in earnest too.

What other news I hear you ask, wanting more, like a child halfway through the first Jaffa Cake? Well, aside from the excitement of the website launch, and availability of my Selected Poems for free, I’m happy to report that the tweaks to my forthcoming novel ‘The Raven Sound’ are almost complete, cover being designed as we speak, so it will be available through Amazon in the not too distant future. Why not sign up to the newsletter (bottom of the page) to find out when new content is out? I won’t bother you unless it’s something  new or free, I promise 😉  And if you’d like to let me know anything about the page, my work or what you’d like to see here, there’s a lovely contact form that magically sends me your words without the need for a stamp. The modern world is a marvel.

Stay safe

Kit x