tEXt me is out Nov 1st!

It’s quite exciting when you get to juggle. Not actually juggle, I’m useless at that, but manage the launch of a book and be mid-flow working on the next at the same time.  More on Hope Is A Six Letter Word (provisional title of the next novel) soon, but for now, the time has arrived for tEXt me to go out into the World.

The toughest thing for a writer at this stage is reaching audiences, so people actually know about the work, and, along with many other writers, it’s the part that’s perhaps the hardest to know how to effect. Reviews on Goodreads and Amazon are amazing, and play a big part in whether a potential reader is willing to shell out on a purchase from a (relatively) unknown writer, but the hardest thing is to get them to discover the listing at all.  Book review sites and Book Bloggers are inundated with requests to review, and of course they may decide not to post their opinions if they don’t like what they get, as everyone has different tastes, but without this coverage, how do you drive traffic to your site? Answers on a contact form.

Social Media is great for networking, but not the best (or maybe I’m just rubbish at it) for getting more than the occasional sale, and one thing I find challenging is that I don’t write in one specific genre. Lit fic, dystopian, romcom, non-fiction changes between different titles mean it’s difficult to find sites which are interested in your oeuvre, which limits the outlets, and depending on where you live, local arts coverage opportunities can be very patchy. Added to this, the effects of COVID have meant physical opportunities for promotion have been very limited as I built my profile, and having print on demand (POD) books means I don’t have a large ready stock either. I don’t write this to be negative, more to flag to beginning writers to be aware of the practical barriers. I love my book-babies, and will keep writing them, but I also, naturally, want to share my stories. The best way is to go viral, or have a great high-profile review/recommendation, but those aren’t things you can guarantee yourself.

So, on 1st November, tEXt me will be available, and hopefully, some people will choose to read it and like it, and tell their friends. Personal recommendations are always the best so… I recommend you buy my book 😀 Ok, I told you I wasn’t great at this.

I’ll let you know how it goes!

Stay safe,
