Do You Like An Open Ending?

I’m getting back into the swing of writing, even if it is only in baby steps, but at the same time I’m on the horns of a dilemma regarding the new book (no post-Glass Onion title yet). You could best describe the plot as a supernatural/psychological thriller, and its important that it isn’t clear to the reader whether the main character is guilty of a crime, the victim of a setup, or just damned unlucky, so that they can accept the narrative from his point of view. The problem is, I know a number of my readers are not fans of ambiguous endings, as I am. I would rather never reveal the truth though, so different readers can have very different experiences with the story; horror fans can get their horror on, thriller fans can be thrilled, and fans of the supernatural can be suitable spooked out. It’s a difficult decision, whether I should try and please one particular demographic (necessary for sales and reads of course) or leave it as it, and risk the possibility the book might not hit the sweet spot at all.

Oh, and I’ve got the lurgy. Send soup.

Can’t decide.

Stay safe,
