Proudly announcing the next cover!

We got there! The next stage of the process foe the cover was some tweaking and hard decisions, and we narrowed down to a new font, two title options, and either in red, orange and purple, which I duly sent to trusted friends and colleagues to see which was the most popular and… as fate is never particularly helpful, I got multiple votes for each of the six options. I took it as a good sign that this meant the design was strong though, as it obviously worked well in different permutations. Thinking sensibly, I decided to favour the opinions of designers and people who sell for a living, so here, in all its glory, is the next cover.

ISBN duly registered and final proofing corrections underway I’ve started to register with Goodreads and Amazon, though the latter has thrown up an odd error about RGB colorspace, which I’ve asked my designer about, as I haven’t got a scooby what they mean.

But here it is. All going according to plan and launch planned for April this year.

Stay safe,
