Exciting Times at Derrick Towers

The release date for Hope Is A Six Letter Word draws near and I’d girding my loins (legal in your own home) for a few sales, and wondering what reviewers might say. I’m pleased to report that the wonderful Broadhursts of Southport will be stocking the book for launch, and please do feel free to order it through your local bookshop or library too. If they get orders, they might be willing to try some of the other novels too.

Marketing and reviews are, I think, the most difficult part of many writers lives, but fingers crossed I can help get some momentum going for reviews to be left, to encourage others to try. The celebratory free weekend for downloads of tEXt me prompted lots of interest, so I’m hoping those that downloaded of read on Kindle Unlimited might be tempted to try the new one too.

Fingers crossed.

Stay safe,
