Hope Is A Six Letter Word – available now!

It’s alive! Hope Is A Six Letter Word is now available to buy either online from Amazon (mybook.to/Hope2022) or from all good (and even the not-so-good) bookshops in all its paperback goodness. ISBN 9781838426774  

It’s been a long journey this time but I’m happy to say that I’m very pleased with the result, and initial feedback is good, which is always a relief! Thank you so much to my beta readers, designer and editor for making me look better. And I hope you have a wonderful Easter. Here’s an idea, why not download (or buy) and read an exciting new novel to help you relax? 😉

William didn’t expect the journey to really change him, but neither did he expect a strange girl to climb into his car at midnight without a word and fall asleep in his arms.

When Will Stark’s parents died together in a tragic accident, it felt like his whole World had fallen apart. And then the realisation came that the woman he’d thought he would marry was drifting away too. So Will began a journey around the country, visiting and sketching all the places that held special meanings in his past, to try and regain a sense of his own identity and honour the memory of his parents. That’s what he told himself anyway. It wasn’t avoidance, he’d found a worthwhile purpose.

Sometimes things don’t turn out the way you expect. And sometimes 5 days can stay with you for a lifetime.

Stay safe,
