New Cover Hush

Back to the cover design for the next book at the minute. The first batch of potential covers from the designer didn’t quite hit the mark for the content or tone, so a bit of liaison and a revised spec, and we now have six base versions, all of which could potentially work.

The next stage is for me to select my favourite two, and work with the designer on colour, layout, and any tweaks I think will help. If you’re a writer at a similar stage, this is also where you haver to put marketing concerns first. Its all very well having a well-appointed and appealing cover, but with so many online listings these days (for traditional bookshops as well as Amazon), how the cover looks in thumbnail view is arguably the most important. Can you read the title, see what the cover is, and does it make you want to investigate further?

I have two favourites from the works in progress, quite different from each other, as you can see at the top of this post, and we’ll see how they progress!

Stay safe,

Kit x