Writing Process 4

Having read back what I have so far, I’ve given myself a bit of a dilemma. I think Martin (is ‘affairee’ a word?) needs to be charming, cheeky and appealing, but should he be the villain based on his behaviour when younger at University? I’m not sure what his true motivations are yet, oblivious fun and flirtation obviously, but an attempt to rekindle something, or maybe something is missing in his life too? Not sure yet. I flirted with the rather cliched idea of writing a flip book, turn it over and you get Martin’s story. It’s a bit corny but might be interesting. I could create a short story for him that fits and see how that goes, it may have to wait until I see how the bigger picture of this turns out though. This is the very exciting part of the writing when I don’t know the answers yet either!

So, with these thoughts in mind I considered whether I need to do micro or flash fictions for my two male leads, Nick and Martin, to help me discover more about them, and we might even end up with no villains. A number of my short stories play with differing perspectives on the same events so this could be useful in all sorts of ways. I’ve never tried this before so will be interested to see how it turns out myself!

Stay safe
