Grab a free book!

To celebrate the launch of my next book in March (and let’s be honest, to try and drum up a bit of interest in my name!) I’m making the e-mail of Lorelei free to download for the next few days, until the end of Tuesday 20th Feb. Why not get a free copy and tell all your friends, and buy all the others, and write rave reviews. Or if you prefer, just download a free book!

Trent has been haunted by the accidental death of his beloved girlfriend for almost two years, unable to escape the nightmare world his memories slip into when he sleeps. Each night he’s tormented and blamed by a seductive spirit, who offers disturbing promises of future happiness. To cope, Trent takes to drinking and self-medication, but the voices and hallucinations reach into his waking hours, and he starts to lose his grip on reality.
With his mental and emotional stability on the brink of collapse, the voices suggest that salvation could lie in his own hands, if he was just willing to take one more life. One more?

In this gripping psychological thriller, Trent must navigate a treacherous path between his own sanity and the secrets of his past.

You can download your free copy at

Stay safe,

Kit x