
I’ve written before about the playlists I put together when writing, both for writing over all and sub-playlists for the moods in certain sections, but this time I’m going to share the music a bit more. As music plays a central role in many ofbthe events in the book, I’ve started collecting obscure or ‘different’ covers, and experimenting with Audacity to see how I might ‘twist’ songs to add the unnatural edge I hope is in the reading. I’ve also spoken to a good friend who is hopefully going to be able to send me a creepy minor-chord cover of a La’s song. Once I have these, I’m going to experiment with mood boards and extracts, to try and create some new marketing materials.

I currently have versions of songs by Ky Fifer, Faye Wong, Deftones, Wombats and Miley Cyrus among others to inspire me. And I love finding new music!

Stay safe,
