Back in the Saddle

It’s so nice to finally get some reviews for tEXt me. I’m back to editing the next story, after a period where for whatever reasons I just couldn’t motivate myself to write, but I’m enjoying being back in ‘the zone’ now, even if that means 101 new ideas keep flying at me, and in addition to the next book and the non-fiction memoir I’m working on, I haven’t been able to stop myself making notes on my post-apocalyptic novel which is on the back burner (but which is going to be amazing!), and on a resurrected partly written one mixing bikers and skateboarders, now with added Phil Lynott.

I’ve also been encouraging a friend with a wonderful idea for a book to get writing, and the results are brilliant. I can’t wait until I get to see the finished article but it’s such a buzz knowing my encouragement played a small part in helping someone else embark on this wonderful journey of writing.

But I digress.

It’s always dispiriting when you’re created something that seems great to you, and had the love of beta readers, but for whatever reasons, it just doesn’t get the reaction you hoped for. Reviews are the lifeblood for authors, not just for promoting the work and encouraging more sales, but for me, as a vindication of the time and love I put into it. Knowing even one person enjoyed what I created makes the self-doubting times easier.

I’ve found it really difficult to get blog or web reviews this time, perhaps because of a crowded genre or poor pitching on my part (I tried, honest!), so every one on Amazon helps.

So thank you to the kind people who left the reviews.

Stay safe,
