Alpha Readers

I’ve found a group of wonderful friends willing to read my latest draft of tEXt me, in addition to comments from some of the fantastic #WritingCommunity on Twitter, and it’s both exciting and terrifying. I want a range of opinions of course, and actively seek criticism as that’s what I need to improve things, but what if the consensus is “this one is crap”? Hopefully it won’t be.

I think my process differs from some other writers in that I’m aware (and have told my readers) that there are still typos and formatting issues. Some people enjoy copy-editing, but for me it’s really hard work, and while I correct as I go and as I revise, I’m not going to do the whole book in detail at this stage, as it may change significantly, so to some extent wasted effort. I don’t mean I haven’t checked and edited, but as the work on the last book showed, the duplicated words, typos and errant spaces will find a way to remain until that final, detailed, minutely observed edit at the end. Hopefully there aren’t too many at this stage, and its a bit embarassing to present imperfect work, but in the draft stage, on balance, I’d rather that than blunt my enthusiasm with two weeks on the minutae, knowing I’ll have to repeat the exercise shortly.

So sorry readers, and thank you, and I look forward to your thoughts. Be brutal. Be harsh. Make me better.

Stay safe,
