Not a Block

Lorelei is out in the world, and I’ve finished my re-write edit of Hush, which means that my current big projects are finished, along with some content for the YouTube channel, and quite a bit of time put in on developmental edits for a couple of friends, which I enjoy doing, but which is very time consuming. And this puts me in a complicated place. I don’t have writer’s block, in actual fact I suffer from the opposite problem. I’m not sure if this opposite actually has a name (Writer’s Ramp? Writer’s Gate?) but my brain is bombarding me with what seem to be brilliant ideas for my next project. So much so that I scrabble down the ideas, and before I get to fully flesh them out, another scenario pops into my brain, which sounds even better to me.

I know I should actually be marketing Lorelei, and still have the line edit to start on Hush, but I get so excited by the possibilities of new projects that it gets difficult to know where my priorities should lie. Long term followers of my ramblings will know I have several part-completed novels ready to be picked up again already, but in the last month I jotted down the basis for a novel of interconnected stories based on 90s club music (its much better than it sounds, trust me), and a satirical dystopian novel (with humour in the vein of Man In The Bath) which I’m really looking forward to, but they’re both ‘start from scratch’ works, which I think will take a long time to get right. And then, it occurred to me at the weekend that I have notes and images (one above this post) for a fantasy novel I dreamed up a few years back. The images are from the mapbuilder in a game called Stronghold Kingdoms where you can create your own terrain, and I have a few pages of ideas for it which I’m currently quite excited about. But of course this means switching genres again, and fantasy is a very competitive field.

So, on reflection, this is just a bit of a grumble that I have too many ideas. Which is why I’m writing a blogpost rather than making any decisions on what to write next!

Stay Safe

Kit x