Writing Process 5

Well that was interesting, a couple of pages written for Nick and a couple from Martin, neither finished yet but brought out all sorts of useful ideas. Nick (hubby) told me his in the form of a magazine relationship questionnaire, Martin (the bit on the side) was a more traditional 1st person perspective on how he’s perceived and what he thinks of Tiffany. Either of these may actually make it into the book, which today I’m thinking I may call “I’m in love with my phone”, but that’s just because a similarly worded Queen song by Roger Taylor has just been on the radio.

Nick and Tiffany have a dog and I don’t like Tiffany any more. I should say I’m uncertain about her name any more, though she’s also getting a bit less likeable. The dog bit is true, though he has no name yet (as opposed to no nose). It might be a bit experimental/up it’s own arse but I’m thinking of providing alternate endings for this story. Not for the reader, as I know that really annoys some, but writing the different versions in full so I have options.

Length is a concern of mine too (steady now!). I have a horrible feeling that as its progressing at the minute it might end up in that awkward 25-30k bracket, too long for a short story but really awkward, in practical terms, to make into a book. I have no problems with novella’s my worry is more that using KDP self-publishing, the hard copy price is based around page numbers, and there’s a lower limit. On the bright side, it’s up to me and if it does end up that length a traditional publisher wouldn’t have taken it, but I may have to take decision of judicious editing or expanding the character base. I think this is what I want to do anyway to be honest. As a short story just first person and text messages is fine, but to sustain a whole book and ensure Nick and Mathew are rounded (and Chloe, and the dog), they need interactions too.

Stay safe
