Writing Process 6

I realise I’m slightly off ‘process’ itself so I’ll give you an interesting nugget I’m using for this book, which I’ve flirted with before, but not really followed to the letter. While I still have my plan of writing the first draft through before editing, I’m not actually doing this one chronologically. Instead, the ms has headings ‘MS Conversation 1’, ‘Block 1’, ‘Day out block’ so I’m writing parts out of order, and also able to ensure different sections are consistent, even when divided within a chapter. This is particularly helpful in making sure the entire text conversation, which may appear in several places, exists in it’s entirety in my records for me to refer back to.

As I like to give myself challenges, I’ve also just expanded the role of a girl called Aisha, who they all knew at University (now Warwick for my info, though not named in the text), and who is now married and pregnant. The challenge is, to counterpoint the main relationships I’ve given them a (semi) arranged marriage and are both now Hindu. The challenge will of course be getting that right convincingly but I think it will be a really good fit. It’s like they existed from the beginning already.

Stay safe
